Author: Irfan Darmawan

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 8

    Soal (Nomor 8 hal 648) Create a new class called Dog that is derived from the Pet class given in listing 6.1 of chapter 6. The new class has the additional attributes of breed (type String) and boosterShot (type boolean), which is true if the pet has had its booster shot and false if not.…

  • Tugas Array dan Enhiretance Kelompok 11

    Hanif Ramadhan Abdillah 1202160034 Fahri Hamzalah = 1202160236 Ilham Satria = 1202164345 Muhammad Farhan Z = 1202160321 No.1 Output: Main Code: package sadkjdsfasd; import java.util.Scanner; /** * * @author hramadhaan */ public class ssdsd { public static final int MAX_SIZE = 3; //Assumed > 0 public static void main(String[] args) { OneWayNoRepeatsList toDoList = new…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 15

    TUGAS ARRAY KELOMPOK 15 Soal Define two classes, Patient and Billing, whose objects are records for a clinic. Derive Patient from the class Person given in Listing 8.1. A Patient record has the patient’s name (defined in the class Person) and identification number (use the type String). A Billing object will contain a Patient object…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 01

    1. a. Write program in a class NumberAboveAverage that counts the number of days that tempratute is above average. Read ten tempratures from the keyboard and place them in an array. Compute the average temperature and then count and display the number of days on which the tempratute was above average. b. Buat sebuah program…



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  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 12

    Soal: Revise the class OneWayNoRepeatsList, as given in Listing 7.9, so that is it allocates an extra element in the array entry and ignores entry [0], as suggested earlier near the end of the section entitled “More About Array Indices”. Penjelasan soal: kita akan merevisi class OneWayNoRepeatsList seperti pada Listing 7.9 agar elemennya bisa di…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 09

    Tugas Algoritma dan Pemrograman Array dan inheritance 1. Write a static method removeDuplicates (Characters [] in ) that returns new array of the characters in the given array, but without any duplicate characters. Always keep the first copy of the characters and remove subsequent ones. For example, if in contains b, d, a, b, f,…

  • Tugas Array dan Inhertance Kelompok 15

    KELOMPOK 15 SI-40-03 AULIA IRSYAD (1202160155) CHANDRA ADHITYA (12021160229) FEBRIAN RIZKY(1202160262) MUHAMAD FARHAN ADITYA (1202164027) Nomor 5. (Hal:557 Array) A. Write a program in a class CharacterFrequency that counts the number of times a digit appears in a telephone number. Your program should create an array of size 10 that will hold the count for…

  • Tugas Array dan inhertance Kelompok 15

    KELOMPOK 15 SI-40-03 AULIA IRSYAD (1202160155) CHANDRA ADHITYA (12021160229) FEBRIAN RIZKY(1202160262) MUHAMAD FARHAN ADITYA (1202164027) Nomor 5.(hal:648 Inhertance) A. Defines two classes Patient and Billing, whose objects are records for a clinic. Derive Patient from the class Person given in listing . Patient record has the patient’s name (defined in the class Person) and identification…

  • Tugas Array dan inhertance Kelompok 15

    KELOMPOK 15 SI-40-03 AULIA IRSYAD (1202160155) CHANDRA ADHITYA (12021160229) FEBRIAN RIZKY(1202160262) MUHAMAD FARHAN ADITYA (1202164027) Nomor 5.(hal:648 Inhertance) A. Defines two classes Patient and Billing, whose objects are records for a clinic. Derive Patient from the class Person given in listing . Patient record has the patient’s name (defined in the class Person) and identification…