Author: Irfan Darmawan

  • Tugas Algoritma dan Pemrograman Array dan inheritance Kelompok 07

    Tugas Algoritma dan Pemrograman Array dan inheritance 1. Write a static method removeDuplicates (Characters [] in ) that returns new array of the characters in the given array, but without any duplicate characters. Always keep the first copy of the characters and remove subsequent ones. For example, if in contains b, d, a, b, f,…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 08

    a. Soal ( nomor 8 hal 648 ) Create a new class called Dog that is derived from the Pet class given in listing 6.1 of chapter 6. The new class has the additional attributes of breed (type String) and boosterShot (type boolean), which is true if the pet has had its booster shot and…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 08

    a. Soal ( nomor 8 hal 648 ) Create a new class called Dog that is derived from the Pet class given in listing 6.1 of chapter 6. The new class has the additional attributes of breed (type String) and boosterShot (type boolean), which is true if the pet has had its booster shot and…

  • Revisi Tugas Inhertance kelompok 5_SI4003

    A. Defines two classes Patient and Billing, whose objects are records for a clinic. Derive Patient from the class Person given in listing . Patient record has the patient’s name (defined in the class Person) and identification number (use the type String). A Billing object will contain a Patientobject and a Doctor object (from Programming…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 01

    Chapter 8 a. Define a class named Employee whose objects are records for employees. Derive this class from the class Person given in Listing 8.1. An employee record inherits an employee’s name from the class Person. In addition, an employee record contains an annual salary represented as a single value of type double, a hire…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 09

    KELOMPOK 9 KELAS SI4003 IRENE IRAWATY (1202160043) STEFI MUTIA SARI (1202160051) KARINA TARIGAN (1202164188) NO 2. a. Soal Create an interface MessageDecoder that has a single abstract method decode(cipherText), where cipherText is the message to be decoded. The method will return the decoded message. Modify the classes SubstitutionCipher and ShuffleCipher, as described in Exercises 16…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 09

    KELOMPOK 9 KELAS SI4003 IRENE IRAWATY (1202160043) STEFI MUTIA SARI (1202160051) KARINA TARIGAN (1202164188) NO 1. a. Soal No 11 Hlm 559 Suppose that we are selling boxes of candy for a fund-raiser. We have five kinds of candy to sell: Mints, Chocolates with Nuts, Chewy Chocolates, Dark Chocolate Creams, and Sugar-Free Suckers. We will…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 02

    Anggota Kelompok 2: Anisya Anggita F (1202160130) Ayuvira Kusuma M (1202164203) Vera Adelia (1202164114) Kelas : SI-40-02 BAB 8 (Inheritance) Soal : 2. Define a class called Diamond that is derived from either the class Shapebasics (Listing 8.12) or the abstract class SpabeBase (Listing 8.19). A diamond has the same sort of top half as…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok xx

    Anggota Kelompok 2: Anisya Anggita F (1202160130) Ayuvira Kusuma M (1202164203) Vera Adelia (1202164114) Kelas : SI-40-02 BAB 8 (Inheritance) Soal : 2. Define a class called Diamond that is derived from either the class Shapebasics (Listing 8.12) or the abstract class SpabeBase (Listing 8.19). A diamond has the same sort of top half as…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 02

    Anggota Kelompok 2: Anisya Anggita F (1202160130) Ayuvira Kusuma M (1202164203) Vera Adelia (1202164114) Kelas : SI-40-02 BAB 7 (ARRAY) Soal : 2. Write a program in a class countFamiles that counts the number of families whose income is below a certain value. Rean an integer k from the keyboard and then create an array…