Author: Irfan Darmawan

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 8

    Kelompok 8: Arief Ryan Risbaya (1202160269) -Azolla Dhigo (1202160171) Avisa Gavrilla (1202164302) Noviah Putri Haerunsyah (1202164162) Kelas SI-40-02 Soal (Nomor 10 halaman 559) Write a static method remove (intv, int[] in) that will return a new array of the integers in the given array, but with the value v removed. For example, if v is…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 03

    KELOMPOK 3 : -IKHSAN HERMAWAN -YOGA SAKTI PRATAMA -DAFFA NAUFAL M Soal Halaman 647 Define two derived classes of the abstract class ShapeBase in Listing 8.19. Your two classes will be called RightArrow and LeftArrow. These classes will be like the classes Rectangle and Triangle, but they will draw arrows that point right and left,…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 03

    KELOMPOK 3 : IKHSAN HERMAWAN YOGA SAKTI PRATAMA DAFFA NAUFAL M Soal Halaman 557 Write a program in a class CountPoor that counts the number of families that are considered poor. Write and use a class Family that has the attributes · income – a double value that is the income for the family ·…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 09

    KELOMPOK 9 KELAS SI4003 IRENE IRAWATY (1202160043) STEFI MUTIA SARI (1202160051) KARINA TARIGAN (1202164188) NO 2. a. Soal Create an interface MessageDecoder that has a single abstract method decode(cipherText), where cipherText is the message to be decoded. The method will return the decoded message. Modify the classes SubstitutionCipher and ShuffleCipher, as described in Exercises 16…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 06

    Kelompok 06 Salman Nuzuli NIM : 1202163115 Rifky Ramdhianis NIM : 1202164392 Novrianda Marza NIM : 1201260295 A.) Write a static method isStrictlyIncreasing(double[] in) that returns false otherwise. B.) Tulis method isStriclyIncreasing (double[] in) diaman akan bernilai benar jika nilai tersebut lebih besar dari nilai sebelumnya, dan akan salah jika nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 06

    Kelompok 06 Salman Nuzuli NIM : 1202163115 Rifky Ramdhianis NIM : 1202164392 Novrianda Marza NIM : 1201260295 A.) Create a base class called Vehicle that has the manufacturer’s name (type String), number of cylinders in the engine (type int), and owner (type Person given in listing 8.1). Then create a class called Truck that is…

  • Tugas Array dan Enhiretance Kelompok 11

    Hanif Ramadhan Abdillah 1202160034 Fahri Hamzalah = 1202160236 Ilham Satria = 1202164345 Muhammad Farhan Z = 1202160321 Output = Code Utama = Code Kedua = Kodingan tersebut berfungsi sebagai penghitungan list barang yang akan di input.

  • Tugas Array dan Enhiretance Kelompok 11

    Hanif Ramadhan Abdillah 1202160034 Fahri Hamzalah = 1202160236 Ilham Satria = 1202164345 Muhammad Farhan Z = 1202160321 Output = Code Utama = Code Kedua = Kodingan tersebut berfungsi sebagai penghitungan list barang yang akan di input.

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 06

    Kelompok 06 Salman Nuzuli NIM : 1202163115 Rifky Ramdhianis NIM : 1202164392 Novrianda Marza NIM : 1201260295 A.) Write a static method isStrictlyIncreasing(double[] in) that returns false otherwise. B.) Tulis method isStriclyIncreasing (double[] in) diaman akan bernilai benar jika nilai tersebut lebih besar dari nilai sebelumnya, dan akan salah jika nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari…

  • Tugas Array dan Inheritance Kelompok 06

    Kelompok 06 Salman Nuzuli NIM : 1202163115 Rifky Ramdhianis NIM : 1202164392 Novrianda Marza NIM : 1201260295 A.) Write a static method isStrictlyIncreasing(double[] in) that returns false otherwise. B.) Tulis method isStriclyIncreasing (double[] in) diaman akan bernilai benar jika nilai tersebut lebih besar dari nilai sebelumnya, dan akan salah jika nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari…